Debt of the Blessed
By David Shamo
The plan I do lay,
Timing with a goal
one will stray,
The price of
friendship, I will pay.
Dark as the harvest
moon spreading quick and far
Moments beat slower
as the river flows.
Calls go out when the
key is found
Door open wide;
picture one never forgets.
Forbidden words slips
the lips
As hearts shatter,
tripling in speed,
“Call to arms” the
battle is here in spite.
Reinforcements called
is almost nigh
Tree falls with
stomping of the feet.
Chattering voices,
blinks of time,
Cold pierces through.
One raises the flag
To signal a loss of
the one inside,
Trumpets sound for
the one
Who was lost has been
Time in the balance
The master came to
Debts are owed.
The life was spared,
Was spent, blessed
are those
With tear soaked
pillows at night
For the win was hard,
But worth the fight.