Monday, November 30, 2009

Milwaukee ~ My Vacation 5th Night

5th Day Sat. Nov 7th

Today was very interesting. We headed out for the day a little before noon and we went to “the Safe House”. This is a bar and restaurant for spies. Yes, that is right you must have a password to get into the place as well as knowledge of where the door to get in is. Unfortunately when we went they weren’t doing the password, however, there as a lot of cool things in there to discover. Some of those are the fake restrooms, a huge puzzle and other things. While most of the places you would go for the entertainment, the food is normally not as good. Not this place. The food was as good as the entertainment. One last cool thing, how we got out. There is a normal way to get out, but why go that way when you can put a quarter in a pay phone, get a code to enter in (as you do this, upon the last number you enter) the wall opens to a hidden passageway out. Wow!! What a place it is, a must go to. This Car was on the way to the safe house, and we just had to take some pictures of it. if nothing else I was able to make those in the car laugh as we were driving by slowly to take pictures I opened the side door while driving to take better pictures of this once in a life time car. After ward we went to pick up the kids and went home to experience yet another new game we have never played.

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